Our Story
Four years ago, like so many others, we entered a very bizarre time in our lives. We’d been on such promising career paths, yet we both felt empty, confused, and somehow like we were heading in the wrong direction. So, we decided to investigate that feeling…
We decided to truly explore our lives and ourselves—into the thick of it-style. We faced some hard truths along the way, but also gained a lot of personal freedom from being honest with ourselves. A humbling experience that allowed us a new relationship with the world around us.

We focused our attention on what was inspiring us: art, science, nature, and somatic therapies. We scribbled our way into a creative practice, experimented with AI, had conversations in virtual worlds, and remembered how to Play by doing The Artist’s Way together. Through it all, we found a connection to each other that we may never fully understand.
And yes, we dabbled in psychedelics and saw some shit you can’t unsee.
Absolutely worth it.

A couple of years in, we were introduced to NeuroArts through Your Brain on Art, a book that completely blew our minds and changed the course of our lives. The last two years have been spent processing our experiences and turning ourselves into lab rats for this new science—changing our brains through making and engaging with art, connecting with nature, and resetting our nervous systems.

What we found during this time inspired us to create Spider Spider—an open concept creative studio focused on tools and experiences that calm the body and ignite the mind through process driven art. Since the start it’s been our dream to share some of what we’ve gained on this very long, very strange trip in a way that feels fun and rewarding for us and truly useful for others.

Then The Islands appeared.
(or Reappeared should we say)

The Islands is our first outing in that direction—a place to let loose, be inspired, and maybe even change your brain. Based on the evidence that just 20 minutes of play a day can calm you, connect you and guide you into flowstate. Here we’ve reimagined scrolling, by transforming a passive habit into an immersive creative experience. Like flipping through a living slideshow of the imagination, that encourages you to choose your own adventure - explore, play, and discover

We really hope this is just the beginning, that we get to create many more tools, resources, and experiences like this so others can feel even a fraction of the change we have felt. We hope that The Islands inspires you and brings you some relief.
Thanks for coming, you are welcome back anytime.
Bri & Jen